Monday, February 11, 2008

Germany: Almost there... (Where's there?). April 15, 2004

Well, the semester starts this Monday, the 19th of April. I've pretty much selected my classes. AI, Differential Geometry, Topology, Anth, and German culture.

Today I took my bike out in an effort to actually *find* the university. The university is kinda splatted out across town. I found most of my classrooms. Well kinda. Actually, I found 1. I found 4 of the buildings. Tomorrow I'll go out again.

Well, I was talking with a German today, and the German actually thought that I was a German. My accent didn't give me away. I probably just sounded a little stoned (maybe that's why he was asking me if I had anything that he could "kiffen" (ha ha, just kidding!!)).

I've taken up the practice of sitting down in front of the TV with my laptop, and every time I don't understand a word, I write it down. Then I translate the list of words, and use my amazing vocab-building software (which I wrote) to learn the words. This method seems to be effective, as my ability to understand standard conversation is rapidly approaching the 100% level. That makes me very happy.

Well, I'll post more once I have something more to post (which will be soon).

Archived comments:
what are you doing? sitting in front of the boob-toob (i know it's spelled tube but that isn't funny) all day? you should be out FIDNING MORE classrooms of your's. lazy bum.

Cool! I look forward to hearing what your classes are like.

Congratulations on being taken for a German! I think that's cool too.

We were at the NC Zoo yesterday, and while we were watching the monkeys a German-speaking woman and three young children were standing next to us. I could only pick up a little of what the woman was saying, but I could understand almost all of what the chattiest child - about Sarah's age - was saying. So now whereas you can understand almost all of a normal adult German conversation, I can understand almost all of a five-year-old counting the monkeys and describing what they are doing.....:)

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