As Katherine pointed out in a previous post, today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me.
But I would also like to point out that tomorrow is also my birthday. Due to a wonderful technicallity, I have two birthdays (at least, I'll pretend to have two brithdays for the moment).
You see, I was born at 11:53PM in New Britain, CT on February 16th, 1985. However, at 11:53PM on the 16th in New Britain, it was already 5:53AM on the 17th in Freiburg. So, if we had had friends in Freiburg and called them up as soon as I was born, they would think I was born on the 17th.
Also, Michael Jordan was born on the 17th, and I've always wanted to share a birthday with him.
However, Dr. Kneisl was born on the 16th. Happy birthday Dr. Kneisl. He is 33 years old (I think). Dr. Kneisl was an insanely good teacher (note: I said teacher, not person. If you have anything against him personally, that's different. Also, I said teacher, not easy grade giver). Today is also my grandmother's (father's mother's) birthday.
I'll post more soon (like how I spelled "Rome" with an umluat. I should pay attention. Also, the "Technical Republic" is now a country, according to me. Language mistakes are always fun.)
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