Monday, February 11, 2008

A general update

We've been working on wedding planning. A new date has been selected, but is not yet set in stone. To read more of this entry, please click "Read more..."

So, you clicked "Read more...". Good choice (maybe).
Anyhow, we've been working on setting a wedding date. As some of you may be aware, in around one years time, that is, around August, 2006, we will be moving to the United States of America.
As mentioned in a previous post, getting a visa/green card isn't as easy as one could hope (not even for the spouse of a US citizen). So we decided to get married somewhat earlier. The current date is:
Saturday, the 11th of March, 2006 A.D.

The date of the legal ceremony (this is attended by only a few guests) would be March 10th.

Neither of these dates are solid yet. To solidify the legal marriage date, we will need to have submitted all of our various legal documents to the marriage office. We cannot begin submitting documents until 6 months before the date of the legal wedding. The earliest date for this would therefore be Monday, the 12th of September.

We cannot set the church-wedding date until we have found a church that will take us, and a room for the reception. Neither of the churches that Nadja and I attend would be well suited for a wedding. One is located in an old movie theather and the other is located in an apartment/business building. Neither would be very pretty. We found a church in Freiburg, and we went to the church to ask if we could use it. It turns out they don't have a pastor and therefore we have to ask the central office of the denomination in Freiburg. We ask them. They tell us they're getting a pastor in a couple weeks and we'll have to ask her.

Similar situation with the reception room. The room is free on the day and we can reserve, but the person in charge is gone, and we can't look at it until he's back - in a couple weeks as well.

We are also aware that various from the US will not be able to make to the wedding in Germany. We therefore plan to have a second wedding ceremony in the US, tentatively on the fourth of July (a Tuesday, but a sort-of-holiday). How does that sound? Feedback? A wedding with fireworks would be pretty cool.

We are currently working on designing our wedding invitation. We have also made a list of the stuff we have to do. Nadja is also depressed by the poor selection of wedding dresses. One of her friends had a wedding dress that she likes, however, the dress was not bought in Germany (it was bought in the US), and not at a wedding dress store (I think at some sort of weird goth store).

I guess that's the update for now.

-Michael and Nadja

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