Monday, February 11, 2008

Germany: More pictures!! March 20, 2004

Ok, these are my pictures. The USB connection is working!!!!! I am in the process of FTPing the pictures over to my brother. Note the domai n name of the site you are on. It's called I was planning o n making an FTP program and calling it FTPer. Maybe I should do that s ome time.

For those of you who didn't know, my brother and father came to visit me in Germany. So, the pictures with them are actual pictures from Ge rmany.

Speaking of which, here is my Dad climbing into his nice 300SL. The c ar only costs $150,000. Ok it's not his, and he's not actually getting in. Whatever:

Ok, what sort of bathroom is that? What sort of person is that? Enoug h said:-):

German food, American people:

Why pay $40 for a ticket when you can get front row seats to the Blue Man Group right in the Freiburg city center?

Speaking of which, here's what the city center looks like at night:

Here is Herr Dr.Med Nehring in a German train:

The Germans tend to be more direct than us silly Americans. But for s ome reason they speak English...:

Here are some Freaks:
More Freaks (with the hand of yet another Freak):
And the ultimate freak show of it all! Me in PANTS!:

Here's a road in Germany:

Here I am with my sexy 20 Euro+tip haircut. Maybe I'll grow my hair o ut and become a hippy (or a hippo. OH! I bet you didn't see that joke coming:-D (note: I know that's not funny)):

They didn't have to break it! They could have given it to me!:
This one they didn't break:

Ok, she's not technically a roommate, because we don't live in the sa me room (only the same floor). But to the Germans the idea of 2 people sharing a bedroom is crazy, so the standard translation of Mitbewohne r is "Roommate" (more litereally "with-liver". Note, this picture was taken as she was leaving back to Italy):

Germans like their holidays, but I guess they need to prove that they were on holiday:

There is actually a UConn curse. UConn is always under construction. 3 UConn students got sent to 2 student housing complexes in Freiburg. Both weren't under construction at arrival. Both are now. Spooky, huh? :

That looks like a nice guitar! Ok, maybe not, but 40E can't get much:

Can you get motion sickness while sitting still? Well, take a look at this picture (taken from the S-Bahn as we're about to hit Paduaallee heading toward Littenweiler:

Well, that's it for now. More soon once my brother posts... I'll post more regularly now.

Respond if you feel like:-)


Archived comments:
That's a great idea! I bet it doesn't say anywhere in US laws that the Surgeon General's Warning has to be in English. In fact, you could probably name a brand of cigarettes "Horrible Death" in German, and market them to Americans. How do you say "Horrible Death" in German, anyway?

How's the guitar?

That is a sweet SL. I think you should mail me one. Oh, wait, I'm going to be in Benin. Hey, how long would it take you to travel to France?

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