Monday, February 11, 2008

Germany: Cool news from home. March 20, 2004

I got an F on the Putnam exam:-). 20 out of 120 points. That makes me tied for place 358-449 out of 3615 total participants. I tied for top-student at UConn. Congrats to Brian, the other top UConn student. The top schools were MIT, Harvard, Duke, California Institute of Technology, and Harvey Mudd College. MIT and Harvard are kinda my dream schools for getting my PhD. I haven't looked at Duke yet, but it could be a nice school. UConn ranked 96 out of 401 schools. Not bad, all things considered - top 25%.
Just to give you an idea of how hard this exam is:
28% of the people taking the exam got a score of 0.
25% got a score of 1.
Another 10% got a score 2.
The top score was 110 points (which is absolutely mind-blowing).

Aparently I'm going to be getting money and a book as my reward for taking a 6-hour math test on a snowing Saturday morning (well, the reward is actually for getting a "high" score).

I hope to take the exam again in the fall. Hopefully I will be able to score much better. By the fall I will have some geometry, topology, algebra, and analysis under my belt (basically every topic). Can't wait...

Anyhow, my language class is coming to the end. The last day of class is Tuesday, then we have a big exam Wednesday (text-repetition, test-analysis, and grammar. A total of 3 hours of testing). I'm pumped for the semester to start. 2 weeks after my semester starts, the UConn semester ends. Funny, huh?

Well, that's all for now.

Archived comments:
Hey wow! Good for you. Haha, you get money for getting an F. I wish my professors would do that. (Actually, no, because then I'd just have a low GPA...but at least I'd have money!)

Congratulations! Tremendously proud of you and all that.

Rock on. (My brother is offcially better than me... I'm going to go cry now...) Seriously, though, that is awesome. Graduate schools are going to be lucky to get you.

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