Sunday, February 17, 2008

A power-sponge

"Since I am too lazy to wash dishes, I built a power sponge. Click "read more" for details

Well, Nadja and I are getting married, and by the time that most people read this, we will be married (we're getting/we got married on March 11th, 2006). One of the few areas where I am pickier in terms of cleanliness is with dishes, so we decided that I would be the one to always clean the dishes (Nadja agreed to do most/all of the other stuff in exchange for that). Now, we don't have a dishwasher (if we did, it would be a very unfair deal!). Nonetheless, I don't feel like washing a ton of dishes by hand and I realized that it had to go faster...

So I decided to invent the electric sponge. Well, I'm sure it wasn't an actual invention of mine, but whatever. I thought it up on my own. Basically you take an electric hand mixer and a (relatively thick) sponge. You cut the sponge to make it round and attach it to one of the hand-mixer attachments. Then the sponge rotates when you turn on the mixer. So now instead of scrubbing, all you have to do is press the sponge onto the dish which has to be washed.

Just a couple notes: you probably shouldn't wash anything with it that is still filled with water. That will splash the water all over the place. Basically, you make the item wet, make the sponge soapy, then scrub.

For pictures, go to


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