Monday, February 11, 2008

Germany: Really almost there. April 19, 2004

Well, it's not 9:30 AM. My first German University lecture starts in 1.5 hours. I haven't bought a notebook yet, so I think I'm going to go do that right now. I'm also going to find my second classroom. They sure don't make things easy to find on this campus. By the time you guys in America are actually starting to move around at 100% mode (10AM), I'll be finishing my last class of the day (4PM).

Well, I'm off to see the wizard or cupid or whatever they have in Freiburg.

Archived comments:
Well, i was at 100% at 9:00 am, so OHHH!!!! that busts your prediction. good luck finding your class, plus buying a notebook. those note books are really sketchy deals to get. sorry for the pun. i think it's a superknowledgable cupib that knows wizardry, that's what they have in Freiburg.

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